Next Fertility Faro

Our main asset is our professionals, who over the years have shared the stories of thousands of patients who have achieved the happiness of becoming mothers and fathers through assisted reproduction treatment.

The Faro clinic, formerly known as Fertimed, opened its doors in September 2009, led by two doctors from Huelva who, already having a human reproduction clinic in their city, felt it was important to fill the gap in this type of medicine in the south of Portugal.

Having pioneered this service not only in the Algarve but also in the Alentejo region, since 2009 we have been the only ones to conduct complete fertility treatments in the same clinic.

Faro is the capital of the Algarve and the region’s central municipality with quick and easy access for the population of Alentejo. The only airport in the south of Portugal is in Faro, making the city strongly linked to tourism and thus ideal for fulfilling the mission we have for our patients and for society in general.

The clinic has three consulting rooms, an operating room, a nursing room and embryology and andrology laboratories equipped with the most advanced technology, totaling 504.85m2.

It is located right at the entrance to the city of Faro, close to two shopping centers and next to a supermarket, allowing for easy parking.

The team is made up of specialist doctors (reproductive medicine, anesthesiology, and urology), embryologists, nurses, a pharmacist, a psychologist, patient care, and management/administration staff.

Together, in the best facilities and with the best equipment, so that your dream of starting a family can begin at Next Fertility Faro!

Our team


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Receptionist/Patient Care

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Receptionist/Patient Care

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Laboratory Director

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Head of Nursing

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Medical Assistant

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Medical Assistant

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Head of Pharmaceutical Services

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Fertility Doctor ɴʟ | ᴇɴ

International Counselor

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