Egg and Sperm Donors

A supportive gesture necessary for others to form their family.

In recent years, the number of treatments using donor gametes has increased. Changes in family models or the delay of maternity are some of the factors that are making many people resort to the use of donor semen and/or egg donation to fulfill their reproductive desire.

At Next Fertility we apply a rigorous donor selection system, both for eggs and sperm, in which we integrate all the recommendations of the main national and international scientific societies.

Donation in Portugal is Non-Anonymous, meaning that only people born as a result of a gamete donation process can obtain genetic information about themselves from the relevant health services, as well as obtaining information about the donor’s civil identity from the CNPMA, provided they are aged 18 or over.

The donation itself is completely altruistic and selfless.

The rigorous selection of donors ensures that all our donors undergo an exhaustive series of medical, genetic and psychological tests before being accepted into the donation programmes. We therefore have the most demanding and complete selection process, as required by the National Council for Medically Assisted Procreation (CNPMA).

Selection of
egg donors

Egg quality is an essential factor that allows us to increase success rates in egg donation treatments. That’s why donor selection is so important to us.

Creatividad de tres mujeres

We choose the donor that most resembles you.

When it comes to choosing the donor, the law establishes that the selection must be made according to the phenotypic features of the recipient of the ovocytes, such as ethnicity, skin, hair and eye colour, height, physical appearance… Our team will always make the selection looking for the greatest possible similarity.

Requirements to become a donor

To take part in egg donation programmes, you need to meet some basic requirements, such as being between 18 and 34 years old and in good physical and mental health.

In addition, donors undergo numerous clinical, gynaecological, serological and genetic tests.

Selection process

The process to make the donation of eggs is as follows:

The psychologist will be responsible for an extensive evaluation through an interview and structured questionnaires. The goal is to obtain as much information as possible about our donor and rule out the presence of any type of psychopathology. For us, it is essential that donors have a good psychosocial adjustment.

We need to know the donor’s state of health. We carry out a full gynaecological examination, as well as general blood tests and serological tests to rule out infectious diseases.

To reduce the risk of transmitting hereditary diseases, we carry out genetic screening on our donors. We study more than 300 autosomal recessive and X-linked genetic diseases. We thoroughly apply all the recommendations of the NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR MEDICALLY ASSISTED SCREENING (CNPMA), including the analysis of pathogenic variants related to mutations in cystic fibrosis (CFTR), spinal muscular atrophy (SMN1), non-syndromic sensorineural deafness (GJB2) and the most prevalent haemoglobinopathies (HBA1/HBA2, HBB: alpha and beta thalassaemia, sickle cell anaemia). A molecular study of the FMR1 gene related to Fragile X Syndrome is also being carried out.

Once all the psychological, medical and genetic tests have been carried out, the donors join the donation programme and begin their treatment. The extracted ovocytes shall be transferred to the laboratory and subsequently to the egg bank for use when necessary.

Do you want to be a donor?

Selection of sperm donors

In order to be able to offer the best results in donor sperm treatments, it is essential to have the guarantees of a top-quality sperm bank.

Creatividad de tres hombres

What will your donor be like?

We will choose the donor who most closely matches the phenotypic characteristics of the recipient’s partner and in the case of not having a male partner, the most similar to her; that is, the same blood group, skin type, eye colour, hair colour and type, weight, height…

Requirements to become a donor

Sperm donors must be between 18 and 40 years old and comply with strict medical and psychological requirements.

We carry out an exhaustive medical history, reproductive history (if they have children, pregnancies, or abortions in their partners), occupation, life habits… to obtain as much information as possible about the future donor.

Selection process

The process for donating sperm is as follows:

We need a detailed history, including family medical history, to rule out hereditary diseases, etc.

It is important to check that your physical health is optimal. In addition to a general analysis, donors undergo serological studies to rule out infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B, C, HIV, Syphilis, Cytomegalovirus, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Chlamydia Trachomatis. This test is conducted at the first stage of donation and then repeated after 6 months.

If all the above requirements are met, they move on to the second phase of the study, which is the analysis of a semen sample, which is conducted at the center itself. In addition to the usual sperm quality parameters, we subject the semen to a bacteriological study to exclude any pathogenic microorganisms that could cause pathology in the recipient woman or failure in the IVF process.

We studied the karyotype and autosomal recessive genetic mutations.

Our sperm donors are not carriers of the 12 monogenic autosomal recessive diseases most prevalent in our environment. In addition, we can study more than 300 genetic diseases and perform genetic matching with the female recipient of our donors’ semen samples.

Once all the psychological, medical, and genetic tests have been conducted, donors will be considered suitable and can start donating.

Do you want to be a donor?

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