History of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has entered our lives for some time now, from our cell phones, through GPS systems or voice assistants that work, in part, with AI. It has gone from being science fiction to a reality and, just as it has become part of our daily lives, it has done so in science and medicine, and of course in assisted reproduction.

The truth is that, although we perceive AI as something very recent, it was in 1943 when the article “A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity” 1 by Warren McCullough and Walter Pitts was published, in which the first mathematical model for the creation of a neural network was presented to the world. Seven years later, the first neural network computer was released and, in 1952, Arthur Samuel created software capable of learning to play chess autonomously. But what is artificial intelligence? AI is a branch of computer science that creates programs capable of learning and applying this knowledge to make decisions as a human being would.

All this is achieved by using mathematics and logic to produce computer algorithms that will be trained with data for the purpose we are interested in. Thus, AI will process large amounts of data through the trained algorithms and make decisions quickly, objectively and safely.

We are used to hearing words like big data, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, etc. they are all part of AI, and are, in a nutshell, different ways of processing data and extracting knowledge.

In the embryology field, Artificial Intelligence has begun to be used to objectify embryo selection, where, with the historical compilation of the morphological and kinetic analysis of thousands of embryos, algorithms have been developed to analyze images of these embryos and classify them according to their quality.

This helps our embryologists to more accurately assess embryo quality and, consequently, improve our fertility treatment success rates

What is the CHLOE EQ™ Artificial Intelligence system?

Transparency is essential for responsible AI development, especially when it intersects with human life. We have developed our technology with this in mind.

Fairtility’s CHLOE EQ™ system is the decision making support tool based on Artificial Intelligence used in our laboratories.

Fairtility, which has in its team leading embryologists that provide extensive clinical experience that, together with the development and knowledge of new technologies, has managed to facilitate the decision-making process in the IVF laboratory to embryologists, basing that decision making on a large amount of data.

In addition, thanks to the development of this technology, Fairtility has achieved several international recognitions such as GHP’s 2022 Global Excellence Awards – Most Innovative Fertility Technology Company 2022, GHP’s 2023 Global Excellence Awards – Most Innovative IVF Software Solutions Provider 2023 and MedTech breakthrough Awards 2023 & Digital Health Awards 2023 – Women’s Health Rising Star.

CHLOE EQ™ emerges as one of the first AI tools designed to facilitate decision-making in the assisted reproduction laboratory. Its development has been carried out with the use of a very large database of embryos which it was known whether they have been able to implant or not. This allows it to detect and analyze subtle visual, morphological, morphokinetic and developmental attributes of each embryo and relate them to its implantation capacity.

With this tool, our embryologists have a technological assistant that makes it easier for them to choose the best embryos for transfer to the uterus, reducing the subjectivity intrinsic to any human decision.

How does the CHLOE EQ™ Artificial Intelligence system work?

The CHLOE EQ™ system has been trained on thousands of embryos, making it capable of detecting and analyzing even the smallest morphological and morphokinetic detail of embryos held in culture in the laboratory.

Thanks to the amount of data with which it has been trained, CHLOE EQ™ is able, by analyzing the images of embryo development, to quickly and very effectively detect which embryos have a higher chance of implantation.

In addition, CHLOE EQ™ provides transparency to our work, in order to give you peace of mind, which is always our goal. For this purpose, we will provide you with a link with which you will be able to see in real time the development of your embryos, directly from the incubators of our laboratories to your screen. In this way, you will be able to witness the growth of your own embryos as our embryologists do.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that Artificial Intelligence cannot replace the expertise and clinical judgment of our specialists, but it can be used as a complementary tool to help improve the accuracy and efficiency of the embryo selection process.

Advantages of the CHLOE EQ™ Artificial Intelligence system.

  • Improved accuracy: the CHLOE EQ™ Artificial Intelligence system can analyze large amounts of data and subtle patterns that may go unnoticed by the human eye, and this aids in more accurate evaluation and selection of embryos with a higher chance of success.
  • Increased efficiency: this system allows to analyze images and data in a very fast and automated way.
  • Objectivity and consistency: CHLOE EQ™ provides an objective assessment of embryo quality, helping to avoid potential errors.
  • Personalization: allows analysis of clinical data based on individual patient characteristics, allowing for greater customization and adaptation to the needs of prospective parents.
  • Transparency: being able to visualize in real time the development of their embryos, transmits to our patients the confidence and tranquility for which we distinguish ourselves.
  • Improved outcomes: by allowing selection of the best quality embryos, it can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.


1 Warren S. McCulloch and Walter Pitts (1943) “A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity” Department of Psychiatry at the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, U.S.

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